Publications, Fellowships, & Lectures

Selected Publications
A Camera in the Garden of Eden: The Self-Forging of the Banana Republic (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2016).
- Interview on the book, by Nicolás Quiroga for the Hispanic American Historical Review online. April 2017.
Sabían que estaban haciendo historia: La Huelga de 1954 en las fotos de Rafael Platero Paz. (Tegucigalpa: Editorial Guaymuras, 2019). *Translation of parts of A Camera in the Garden of Eden (2016).
Coups d'état in Cold War Latin America, 1964-1982, edited by Sebastián Carassai and Kevin Coleman. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2024).
Capitalism and the Camera, edited by Kevin Coleman and Daniel James. (New York: Verso, 2021.)
Photography and Culture 13, 2 (2020), edited by Kevin Coleman and Daniel James.
Radical History Review 18, 3 (2018), edited by Kevin Coleman, Daniel James, and Jayeeta Sharma.
“Christianity’s Role in American Violence,” Syndicate (April 2023).
“Revolution and Redemption in Central America,” Latin American Research Review. 57:1 (May 2022), 237-249.
“‘How Historical are You Trying to Be?’ Romero (1989)” in Based on a True Story: Latin American History at the Movies, ed. Donald Stevens (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2022).
“Coleman_Buried_Race, Photography, and Memory in Damiana Kryygi” in Race and Transnationalism in Latin America, edited by Benjamin Bryce and David Sheinin (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2021).
“Capitalism and the Limits of Photography.” Photography & Culture. 13.3 (August 2020).
“A Flamethrower to His Image,” in Photography & Culture (Volume 13, Issue 3, 2020).
“Banana Industry in Central America.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.
“Solidarity in Spectatorship_Coleman” in The Art of Solidarity, edited by Jessica Stites Mor and Maria del Carmen Suescun Pozas (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2018).
Coleman, Kevin, Daniel James, and Jayeeta Sharma. “Photography and Work.” Radical History Review 18, no. 3 (132) (October 2018): 1–22.
“Practices of Refusal in Images: An Interview with Tina M. Campt.” Radical History Review 18, no. 3 (132) (October 2018): 209–19.
“‘En uso de las facultades de que está investido’: El estado de sitio en Honduras, 1890-1956,” in Historia de las desigualdades sociales en América Central, edited by Ronny J. Viales Hurtado and David Días Arias (San José: Colección Nueva Historia Contemporánea de Centroamérica, 2016), pp. 275-304. For the tables documents uses of the suspension clause in Honduras between 1890-1956, see Tables 1 and 2_The State of Siege in Honduras, 1890-1956.
- Republished in Envío 16: 54 (2018), 55-64; and Envío 16: 55 (2018), 39-44.
“The Right Not to Be Looked At.” Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 25, no. 2 (2015): 43-63.
“The Photos We Don’t Get to See: Sovereignties, Archives, and the 1928 Massacre of Banana Workers in Colombia,” in Making the Empire Work: Labor and United States Imperialism, edited by Daniel E. Bender and Jana K. Lipman (New York: New York University Press, 2015), pp. 104-136.
- An abbreviated version of this chapter was published as “Las fotos que no alcanzamos a ver: Soberanías, archivos y la masacre de trabajadores bananeros de 1928 en Colombia,” in Fotografía e historia en América Latina, edited by John Mraz and Ana María Mauad (Montevideo: Centro de fotografía de Montevideo, 2015), pp. 149-174, translated by Juan Pablo Bermúdez Rey.
“Photographs of a Prayer: The (Neglected) Visual Archive and Latin American Labor History.” Hispanic American Historical Review, 95, no. 3 (2015): 459-492.
- Awarded Honorable Mention for the James Alexander Robertson Prize for Best Article in the Hispanic American Historical Review, 2015-2016.
- *Translated as “Fotografías de una plegaria: El archivo visual y la historia obrera latinoamericana,” Historia global y circulación de saberes en Iberoamérica, siglos XVI – XXI, editado por David Díaz Arias y Ronny J. Viales Hurtado (San José: Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central, 2018), 287-328.
“A Camera in the Garden of Eden.” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 20, no. 1 (2011): 61-94.
- An expanded version of this article was published as “Una óptica igualitaria_Autorretratos, construcción del ser y encuentro homo-social en una plantación bananera en Honduras” Diálogos, 15, no. 2 (2014), translated by David Díaz Arias.
“Entre la historia y la trascendencia: El Padre Guadalupe Carney y la lucha por la reforma agraria en Honduras,” Boletín AFEHC—Asociación para el Fomento de los Estudios Históricos en Centroamérica, 44 (2010): 27 ms pages.
- Republished in English as “Between History and Transcendence_Father Guadalupe Carney and the Struggle for Agrarian Reform in Honduras,” OPSIS, 14 (2014), 429-448.
“La fotografía y la construcción del sujeto hondureño moderno.” (Photography and the Construction of the Modern Honduran Subject”). Envío-Honduras, 18 (2008): 27-35.
“La pedagogía de la burla: Entre los binarios históricos en El estrecho dudoso” (The Pedagogy of Sarcasm: Between Historical Binaries in El estrecho dudoso”). Istmo, 13 (2006): 21 ms pages.
Syllabus Prize. The American Historical Association’s Conference on Latin American History, April 2022.
Excellence in Teaching with Primary Sources Award. The Canadian Historical Association, May 2023.
Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Insight Grant, 2014-2023.
The Wallace K. Ferguson Prize. Canadian Historical Association, April 2017
- A Camera in the Garden of Eden was shortlisted for this prize recognizing the outstanding scholarly book in a field of history other than Canadian history.
Best Article appearing in the Hispanic American Historical Review in 2015-2016.
- Honorable mention from the American Historical Association
- “Photographs of a Prayer: The (Neglected) Visual Archive and Latin American Labor History.”
Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Connection Grant, 2016.
Connaught New Researcher Award, University of Toronto, 2014-2015.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Institutional Grant, 2013 – 2015.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / American Council of Learned Societies Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2011-2012.
Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship, Indiana University, 2010-2011.
Bernardo Mendel Fellowship, Indiana University, 2010.
Shriver Practical Idealist Award, 2009.
John H. Edwards Fellowship, Indiana University, 2008.
Samuel F. Bemis Research Grant, The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), 2008.
“The Dark History of US Involvement in the Central American Banana Trade.” LaFayette College. ISA XPosed. October 6, 2022
"The Shocking and Shady Past of Bananas" with Bailey Sarian. Served a historical consultant for this episode. March 2022.
“What Hasn’t Changed in Yesterday’s Banana Republics,” History News Network, March 20, 2016.
“Vintage Photographs of Banana Farmers,” Slate Magazine, by Jordan G. Teicher, February 29, 2016.
Coordinator, Latin American Research Group, a network of Toronto-based scholars who come together on a monthly basis to discuss their work in progress, 2014-2015.
Consultant for “Immigrant America: Murder and Migration in Honduras,” VICE News, September 9, 2014.
“Concert–Voices against the Coup.” Winning Photograph, Spring 2012, NACLA Photo Contest.
“A Coup is Not a Coup. A Not-Coup is a Coup.” History News Network. July 7, 2009. This article was reprinted on multiple websites and referenced by many political bloggers. It was listed as “Best of the Fray” by Slate.
“A Chance for Real Democracy in Honduras.” History News Network. July 28, 2009. This article was listed as “Best of the Fray” by Slate.
This article was translated by Basta de Casaca as “Honduras: Una oportunidad para la verdadera democracia.”
“Capitalism and the Camera.” University of California, San Diego. Department of Communication. January 25, 2023
“The Photos We Don’t Get to See.” University of California, Los Angeles. Department of Anthropology. January 26, 2023.
“The Dark History of US Involvement in the Central American Banana Trade.” LaFayette College. ISA XPosed. October 6, 2022
“Photography, Race, and Extraction in a Corporate Archive.” Harvard University.
Weatherhead Research Cluster on Comparative Inequality and Inclusion. Cambridge, US (via Zoom), December 2021.
“Capitalism and the Camera.” Universidade Federal Fluminense. Seminar: Arquivos e coleções fotográficas na pesquisa histórica. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (via Zoom),
September 2021.
“Form: An Argument in Favor of Art Historical Approaches to the Visual Archive.” Response to John Mraz's History and Modern Media (2021). Benemeritus Autonomous University of Puebla, and the International Network for Theory of History (INTH). Puebla, Mexico (via Zoom), May 2021.
“The Filmic Art of Remembrance and Solidarity: the Making of the Movie ‘Romero’.” Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, November 2019.
“Romero: The Making of an Icon.” Invited lecture sponsored by the University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities (UMIH), October 2019.
“Las fotos que no alcanzamos a ver.” Universidad Nacional, Bogotá, Colombia. November 2018.
“El archivo visual y la historia obrera latinoaméricana.” Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central, San José, Costa Rica. June 6, 2017.
“A Flamethrower to His Image,” Department of History, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 14, 2016.
Keynote Lecture, Navigating the MetaModern, Department of Art History Annual Symposium, York University. March 19, 2016.
“Possibility Eruption Exists,” invited lecture at Brock University, March 4, 2016.
“Fotos, archivos y violencia.” Universidad de Panamá. October 10, 2015.
“Reading Images to Document the Past.” Skidmore College. Workshop sponsored by the John B. Moore Documentary Studies Colloborative. October 2015.
“Photography, Archive, Stories.” Skidmore College. September 2015.
“Las fotos que no alcanzamos a ver: Soberanías, archivos y la masacre de trabajadores bananeros de 1928 en Colombia.” Universidad de Costa Rica. June 2014.
“The Photos that We Don’t Get to See: Sovereignties, Archives, and the 1928 Massacre of Banana Workers in Colombia.” Historical and Cultural Studies seminar series. University of Toronto Scarborough. December 2013.
“Vodevil y el imperio: La ‘República Bananera’ como una representación visual.” Open Seminar. Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires, Argentina. August 2013.
“La fotografía, el “quizás”, y las memorias de la gran huelga bananera en Honduras.” Department of Sociology, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina. August 2013.
Keynote Address. Photographing the Perhaps.” Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Graduate Research Conference. Boston. June 2013.
“‘The Miraculous Virgin is on Strike’: Photography, Labor, and Claims to Dignity in Cold War Honduras,” Research Roundtable, Department of Historical Studies, UTM. October 2012.
“Linking the Production and Consumption of Bananas.” University of Toronto Mississauga. November 2011.
“Transnational Imagescapes: Palestinian Honduran Family Photographs in a Banana-Company Town.” University of Toronto. November 2011.
“An Encounter with the Other—An Encounter with Ourselves: A Photographic History of Honduras,” curated exhibit of photographs and gave opening lecture, Gopalan Contemporary Art Gallery. April 2010.
“Honduras and the Catholic Movement for Social Justice,” guest lecture at Marian University. March 2010.
“A Chance for Real Democracy in Honduras,” keynote address for the Shriver Practical Idealist Alumni Award. University of Maryland, Baltimore County. November 2009.
“The Honduran Connection,” feature presentation for a panel on the 2009 Honduran coup d’état. Indiana University, Bloomington. October 2009.